Monday 100913


Good Mornings

5 - 5 – 5 – 5 – 5



For time:

150 wall balls, 20#/14#

Compare to 100810.

Sarah R. dials in her tripple extension during the SDLHPs!

Below is another recipe courtesey of Sarah G! So why so many recipes lately? You know how we feel about nutrition being so critical to your performance and overall well being. We can't emphasize it enough. So we decided to host our own Paleo Challenge during the month of October! That's right, it's time to dial in how we fuel and see how good it can be. Challenge details will be provided shortly. This is not mandatory by any means, but we strongly encourage everyone to participate.

In order to give everyone all the tools they need to be successful, we'll be hosting a Paleo Challenge Kick-off on Tuesday, September 28th at 6:30 PM. This isn't mandatory for participants, but it will be extremely helpful. We'll discuss the parameters of the challenge, offer details on how to eat during the month of October, and answer any questions you might have. You guys have gone further than most would ever dare simply by walking into the box every day. Now see what happens when you get your nutrition in line: better overall health, more energy, better recovery, increased performance during your WODs - the list goes on and on. There's ample time between now and the 28th to learn the basics on Paleo eating. We'll also provide a ton of info at the kick-off. Let us know if you have any questions between now and then!


Egg Muffins
1lb uncured bacon, somehow the whole pound doesn't end up in the muffins 🙂
1lb mushrooms, sliced
1/2 bunch spinach cut up
10-12 eggs
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. cook bacon in frying pan, put aside to cool.
3. Pour out some bacon grease, but keep some in to cook veggies. 
4. Cook mushrooms down until much of the water is gone.  Add spinach and cook until wilted.
5. Crack eggs into a large mixing bowl and scramble.
6. Add cooked veggies and crumbled bacon to the eggs.
7. Line muffin tin with paper liners.  (Otherwise the eggs are extremely difficult to remove from the pan later!)  Ladel the egg/veggie mixture into the muffin tins, fill to just below top of liner.
8. Bake in oven for about 17 minutes, or until eggs are cooked all the way through. 
9. Let cool and store in tupperware of plastic baggies in the fridge.  Makes about 18.


7 thoughts on “Monday 100913”

  1. I think the last time I did this WOD I used the 20# med ball! I’ll make sure I look in my trusty folder first though! Haha.

  2. I think you and Kendra both did the 20 pound ball…and if that is indeed the case…im thinkin its time to add a vest like Gene did when he threw this wod down…that is my plan for tomorrow anyway!
    Excited for the Paleo Challenge! I have been enjoying my cheat days more often than not though!!

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